Karla Eslinger

A Candidate Who Knows the Meaning of Hard Work

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Karla Eslinger for State Senate

A Self-Made Woman

About Karla
Karla learned the value of hard work at an early age, raised by a single mother who supported her children through jobs in a factory, as a nurse, and as a truck driver. Karla made her own way through the College of the Ozarks without loans and went on to earn several more degrees. Now Karla wants to take that work ethic to the State Senate.

Supporting Trump

Karla is a strong supporter of our president. As our state senator, she will stand with Trump’s agenda to stop illegal immigration, cut bureaucratic red tape, and keep taxes low.

Standing for Life

Karla is one hundred percent pro-life, for all life, and she believes that life begins at conception. As our state representative, she helped pass one of Missouri’s strongest pro-life bills. Karla will always stand for our most vulnerable.

Defending Gun Rights

Karla knows that our Founding Fathers gave us the 2nd Amendment as a check against tyranny. Karla is ‘A’ rated by the NRA, and she will always be there to protect our right to self-defense.